Engine laboration

För period VT2 2024 är motormekslabben öppen för alla studenter på LiU! Under ett motormek får du testa på att skruva isär en förbränningsmotor för att få en djupare förståelse av hur den fungerar. Som hjälp har du ett tydligt labb-PM och blir guidad av våra kunniga verkare.

Labbpassen hålls i verkstans lokal på lördagar och söndagar från 10:15 till ca 16:00 med lunchpauser. Under lunchen finns det möjlighet att värma matlåda samt haka på verkarnas pizzabeställning. Anmälan sker här!

Motormek med MC-motor

Laboration with an MC-engine

Brand new for 2022 is our laboration with a motorcycle engine!
More precisely a 750cc inline-four Kawasaki Ninja ZX7-R from 1996.

This laboration is on a slightly higher level than on the car engine but no prior knowledge is required. During the laboration the whole engine is disassembled and extra focus are put on the gearbox and the clutch. This is because they are integrated into the engine which isn't the case on the car engine.

The optimum number of participants on this laboration is 3 people, but 2 will work too. However, we don't recommend being 4 people to insure everyone gets to participate as much as possible.

Motormek med Volvomotor

Laboration with a Volvo-engine

During the fall of 2016 Volvo sponsored a car engine which since then has been disassembled and assembled by hundreds of students.

This laboration is adapted to be done by 4-5 people but the minimum is 3.

Under labben gås motorn igenom från topplock till oljetråg där bland annat följande komponenter monteras ner och gås igenom.

  • Generator
  • Compressor
  • Water pump
  • Spreaders
  • Camshaft
  • Turbo
  • Pistons
  • And more

Sprängd motor

Exploded engine

During the laborations we will also use a so-called "exploded" engine which can be cranked to give a clearer explanation to how the components work.
